Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Michael Kenna "Night Walk"

  1. Michael Kenna, Night Walk, 1988
  2. The first photo is on page 9, called “Gondolas” and the second photo is on page 32 called “Fairclough Mills”.
  3. I love the gondola photo because Venice is a beautiful place and he captured the most attractive part of it. The photo is simple yet complex as he blends the gondolas into the water and sky. The poles are structured and defined. The contrast of the blurry boats and the defined poles makes for a compound photograph.
  4. I like the Fairclough Mills picture that was taken in Halifax, Yorkshire, England. The stones are so well defined I feel like I am standing on them. The shadow brings in another shape and the contrast between the night sky and the illuminated street is great.
  5. I choose this book because I love to travel and I love seeing what different parts of the world have to offer. His photos bring out the best of the different countries.
  6. Kenna’s strengths are contrasting darks with light, blending the photograph and balancing the different aspects of the photos.
  7. A good photo includes contrast, good angles to extenuate the positives, and having a foreground and a background.